Our Products & Services

Cario Growth Services Private Limited

Tools (B2B)
  • Career Data prediction Tools
  • Career Guidance tools
  • Data Pre screening/ Screening/Selection
  • Career Data Management tool
  • Data Mining Tools
  • Data Banks (Industry Specific)
  • Software Development
  • Mobile App development
  • Career Kits for Schools
  • Career Data Architecture (CDA)

Services (B2B)
  • Career Guidance
  • Inhouse Data development services
  • Career Insights & Planning
  • Teaching & Training in first principles
  • Target market analytics
  • Data prediction metrics & training
  • Company networking
  • Laboratory based innovations
  • Laboratory based learning

Platform (B2C)

We are also developing a new platform where students and professionals can connect to the best knowledgebase and real time data feed & contacts in diversified industry which will keep them updated in terms of learning and skill development. The platform is fun and interactive.